5th Class have been busy!

5th Class have been busy!

We are certainly in need of a break in 5th class because we have been very busy! Read Laoise’s account of all our activities.

Fun in First Class

Fun in First Class

1st class combined procedural and cursive writing by looking at recipes, which they then used to make lovely bread and pizza.

The National Children’s Choir

The National Children’s Choir

A fabulous performance from our 5th and 6th class choir at the National Children’s Choir performance in the National Basketball Arena.

Playground Planning!

Playground Planning! The school community are delighted to hear that Dunlaoighre Rathdown County Council are planning to renovate the playground in Loreto Park, and the Student Council were even more delighted to hear that they would get to have an input into what the...

Finger Knitting in Junior Infants!

Finger knitting in Junior Infants! Junior Infants are currently working hard on a wonderful finger knitting project! This tricky skill requires a lot of concentration and perseverance, but the finished products and the children’s sense of achievement are more than...


6th Class have spent the duration of Lent collecting basic, useful household items to donate to a homeless charity. Our aim was to collect 40 items and we managed to collect double that amount of items. We have contacted some local charities who may need our care...