Darren has given us a wealth of fun active activities to do over the last couple of months. His encouraging videos can all be found below to be used at any time over the summer. Remember an active body is good for an active mind. Keep busy and we will see you all after the summer holidays.

Normally National ‘Active SCHOOL Week’ takes place every April and is a really enjoyable part of the school year for many children. But this year, because of COVID-19, it is not possible for this to go ahead so we are asking our families and staff to participate in ‘Active HOME Week‘ challenge instead. We will be running Active Home Week this week and next week to give you all a chance to try different activities.
Darren 4th Class Teacher is putting us all under pressure to take up his #activehomeweek challenge.
Even after #activehomeweek is over, you can continue to do some of the challenges set by Darren, Ciara and Aoife.
Ciara is upping the activity levels this week with an Alphabet Challenge. Check the codes on the right to work out what word she is spelling out! Send us your secret code video or just take a picture of each letter and send it in to retns.website@retns.ie

Darren has a few more challenges up his sleeve, have you tried his Teddy Bear Walk yet? Or his Side to Side or Jump Step? Have a look at the videos on the right and see if you too can meet the #activehomeweek #ahw challenge.
Since Wednesday. Darren has created a few more challenges. Aoife has also got in on the act, by getting us all to try the plank! Remember to send in any of your pictures and videos to either your class email or to retns.website@retns.ie for them to be featured on our Active Home Week page.
On Wednesday. Darren challenged us to grab some sports equipment and try a “Keepy Uppy” Challenge. He even got his dog Maisy involved. Una got her husband Ben to have a go. Ciara shows us her very dazzeling moves with a hockey stick and a ball. Single Keepy Uppy was too easy for her so she tried double hop of the ball then loop around the ball. Wow.