EU Ambassador, David Daly, visits RETNS

We were delighted that EU Ambassador, David Daly, accepted our invitation to visit our school as part of our ongoing Blue Star programme. Ambassador Daly, his wife Aideen and their daughter Ceola were greeted by a choir rendition of “Oró sé do bheatha...

Dodder Monster Competition Awards

Congratulations to all our  winners in the Dodder Monsters Competition. As well as two students from sixth class, Angelique and Hans, receiving joint second overall in the competition, we had a number of ‘Highly Commended’ awards. Hope and Logan, from first...

Eamon Ryan T.D visits Rathfarnham Educate Together

We were delighted to receive a visit from Eamon Ryan, TD and leader of the Green Party, as part of our work towards the European Blue Star Award. Students from the Student Council and Green School Committee made a short presentation to Deputy Ryan, who then...

My favourite reading place! By Junior and Senior Infants.

Junior and Senior Infants were asked to take a picture of themselves on World Book Day, reading their favourite book in an interesting way or in an interesting place, or both! Here is a small sample of the photos they sent in!  

World Book Day

This year we combined World Book Day with International World Polar Bear Day, which was held earlier in the week, to give a ‘bear’ theme to our reading. A selection of books was on display in the display area at the bottom of the stairs and in the school library and...