Planting in Senior Infants

Juno’s dad Giles organised some planting for our bed. We planted green beans, carrots, beetroot and sunflowers. We will keep an eye on them over the next few months to check their progress. [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”126″...

Viking Invasion in 4th Class!

Over the last number of weeks, 4th class have been learning about the Vikings. We took a trip to the heart of Viking Dublin during March where the children learned about the lives of Vikings, what they ate and how they fought. We also got a glimpse into life in Norman...

Paddy Madden Visit

RETNS was very lucky to receive a visit from the very knowledgeable and experienced Paddy Madden. We learned all about mammals, habitats and planting. We got to look at and handle some very interesting items such as frog spawn, insects and cacti. What an enjoyable...

Inspiring Women in Senior Infants

As part of International Women’s Day, Senior Infants learned why it is important that we celebrate this day. We discussed the rights of women, both in the past and in the present day. We also chatted about women who inspire us, either a woman they know such as...
Third Class Construction Art

Third Class Construction Art

Third Class gave their imagination full reign as they engaged in construction art on the theme of transport – past, present and future!