Links to Websites For Children's Learning
There are endless resources online to help you and your child learn but it takes time to go through them and find ones that suit you, your child and their level of learning. In RETNS, your children will have used some of the following sites and they will be familiar with them. If you or your child have found a resource that you think might suit other children in RETNS please email retns.website@retns.ie with information about the site and why your child likes it.
Other Links to Websites For Children's Learning
Below are some more great resources for children’s learning and can be a great support to parents.
Links to loads of great sites for kids, both educational and fun:
Online audio stories to listen to:
Great interactive activities to support learning (sorted into appropriate age groups) :
A fun spelling or maths game against kids from different parts of the world. Great fun and also improves typing speed and accuracy:
Lots of interactive games and activities for all subjects:
A great school site with links to lots of fun activities:
Interactive educational software in all subject areas:
A great website for kids to learn and have fun doing it!
A nice history website:
Early literacy activities for beginners and improvers in reading:
Really cool interactive maths and english activities:
Useful websites for Shared Reading
- www.hubbardscupboard.org/shared_reading.html
- www.dyslexia.ie/information/information-for-parents/how-parents-can-help
- http://reading-activities.com/shared_reading
- www.schooldays.ie/articles/Primary-Reading-Resources
- www.dlrcoco.ie/library/dl.htm
- www.helpmykidlearn.ie