When a class starts in Junior Infants they are given a name which stays with them all the way up from Junior Infants to 6th Class. This is the Puffins page. Each year, news from the Puffins will be added to what happened in the previous years they have been in the school.
5th Class 2024 - 2025
News from Puffins when they are in 5th Class. Grainne
4th Class 2023 - 2024
News from Puffins when they are in 4th Class. Darren
3rd Class 2022 - 2023
News from Puffins when they are in 3rd Class. Ronan
2nd Class 2021 - 2022
News from Puffins when they are in 2nd Class. Ciara

Second Class have been learning about worms and we are so lucky to have a Wormery in school to do some investigating. We examined the Wormery and the role of the worms. We also got to hold some worms and get a closer look at them. We learned that the rings around worms are called segments and it’s very difficult to count them all! Ciara

A word from 2nd Class
1st Class 2020 - 2021
News from Puffins when they are in 1st Class. Aileen

First Class dressed up for Lá Fhéile Pádraig
Lá fhéile Pádraig First Class set the standard high when they dressed up for St. Patrick’s Day this year. Our Lá Glas was something to behold.
They have also showed their creative side in their amazing art recently, both with their fabulous Mothers’s Day Art and the wonderful tulips and daffodils they drew using chalk pastels. They really brought the colours of Springtime into the classroom! Aileen

First Class
The fabulous first classers have really embraced remote learning since January 11 last. They have been working really hard at home and uploading lots of completed work in English, Irish, Maths and other subjects through Seesaw, as well as engaging brilliantly twice each day on Zoom. Their happy, smiling faces and lovely contributions to topics being discussed on Zoom have brightened every single day for their teacher Aileen, resource teacher Claire and ANA Mary. Most recently First Class children have embraced the new challenge of using any outside time to find early signs of Spring. Notwithstanding fairly inclement weather they have been sending in some lovely photos which give us all hope of brighter days ahead.
Just lately we have been learning all about St. Brigid’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Pancake Tuesday and Chinese New Year. The children have wowed their teacher with their amazing recall of the facts covered, some wonderful written work and really lovely drawing and colouring activities. Keep up this amazing work First Class. You are truly fabulous!!

Green School Work from 1st Class
1st Class have delighted us all with their response to the weekly Green School challenge, sending in the most amazing puffins (well, we are the Puffins’ Class!!), octopuses and blue whales. Lyra and her brother Hugo did a great job of showing just how big a blue whale really is!!! Aileen