DLR Lunch Menu
Dunlaoighaire Rathdown provide the school with milk and sandwiches every school day and fruit four days of the week. It is not enough for every child in the school to have a free lunch, but items can supliment your child’s lunch in the case where they would like something extra.
JI to 2nd class, a letter goes home in September asking parents to choose items for their child. From 3rd class up, children choose for themselves. If there is not enough to suit all classes, the younger classes are taken care of first.
Monday Cheese Sandwiches, mandarins & milk
Tuesday Chicken Sandwiches, apples & milk
Wednesday Corned beef Sandwiches, bananas & milk
Thursday Cheese Sandwiches & milk
Friday Ham Sandwiches, apples & milk
The lunches are distributed every day by staff and are stored in the classroom in coolboxes for distribution at lunchtime. At the end of Big Lunch, any extra items are collected and given to the 13:30 club. A review of orders from children takes place after Christmas each year to ensure good distribution of the food.