Cian and the Druid’s Riddle

By Osgar O’Sullivan

Aged 9

Once upon a time there was a boy named Cian. He was not a very happy boy because his brother Cu Chulainn was better than him at everything, Sword fighting, archery, spear throwing… I could go on for ages.  But there was one thing that Cian did not know, he was actually much smarter than Cu Chulainn.

One day a Druid came to their village. He said “I have a riddle and anyone who gets it right will get great power”.  The riddle was “what runs all day but never gets tired”.  Many people tried to answer the riddle but failed. What they didn’t realise is that everyone that failed to answer the riddle correctly was turned into a wild animal (the druid was not very nice).  CU Chulainn tried to answer the riddle and was sure he had it right when he said himself. He was quickly turned into a snail.

Cian stepped forward. He stamped his foot on the ground and said I know the answer. Everyone was shocked and surprised. Cian said “what runs all day but never gets tired… A RIVER”.  The druid was surprised that such a young boy could get his riddle right. He was usually able to turn people into animals and steal their stuff.

Cian took his new power and turned everyone back into humans. He then made the Druid give everyone back their stuff. Cian told the druid never to come back to the Village again. From then on Cian became the town’s druid (which he wasn’t too happy about because people never left him alone). He was known and respected far across the land and was no longer jealous of his brother.