What it means to be in an Educate Together school?

by Lucy Lloyd 6th Class

The lists are endless on this topic, because there is an endless amount of reasons to why our schools is great.

On paper it means to be child centred, equality based, democratic and co-educational. But to the students, teachers, SNAs and parents our school can be a miraculous place. To children it’s a palace of creativity with free writing, art, Winterfests and so much more. To the teachers it’s a refreshing and exciting job where they can also learn new things about religions, culture and science. For SNAs it’s a place where they can shine in every way helping with the little and big problems. To parents it’s a place where they can send their kids knowing they will learn without bias. If these people rejected the school and its teaching there would not be so many .E.T. schools in the world. But they didn’t and look, there are even secondary .E.T. schools. It means a lot that these schools are here, to me, my family, my friends and everyone I know. That is what it means to be in an Educate Together.  We used #myeducatetogether to help us remember about being in an Educate Together school.