Wednesday 29th March Tree Planting

RETNS signed up to take part in an international tree planting project in conjunction with Self Help Africa and the INTO. We received eight native trees including Scots pine, oak, alder, rowan and birch. The aim of the project is to plant 100,000 native trees in Ireland and to attempt to match this with 1 million native trees planted in Africa. 

On Wednesday morning, Anne, Maurice and two representatives from each class group planted the trees. 

Maija from 4th also joined the group to plant the native holly tree we received from the Tree Council for Tree Day 2022. She has been caring for this all winter in a pot outside 4th class. 

These native trees are very important as they are well adapted to our climate and they will become home to hundreds of species of insect and provide homes and food for our birds and wildlife. They will become part of our established tree plantation in the grounds of RETNS. 

We look forward to celebrating this mini native forest plantation when the buds burst after the Easter break.