Senator Neale Richmond, Fine Gael spokesperson on European Affairs and Chairperson of the Brexit Committee came to visit our school for the second year to speak to students from 5th and 6th class and the Green Team. Neale listened to letters read out by 6th class students addressing local issues such as allocation of cycle lanes, provision of bins in local parks and community policing issues. Children from all classes shared their ideas and opinions regarding climate change protests, refugees and the role of the Seanad. Neale Richmond took time to listen to the views and ideas and encouraged children to bring these issues up with local politicians canvassing for local elections in the upcoming months. He encouraged children to write as many letters as they could regarding local and global issues and offered to pass on the letters to the relevant TDs. He has promised to reply to our letters in due time. We appreciate Neale taking time out to listen to our ideas and we will continue to write letters to local politicians and councillors. 6th Class