Sticky Balloon Experiment
Third Class have had a great week learning about science and carrying out some science experiments. First we looked at the Sticky Balloon experiment. We learned that when you rub a balloon against your clothes and it sticks to the wall, you are adding a surplus of electrons (negative charges) to the surface of the balloon. The wall is now more positively charged than the balloon. As the two come in contact, the balloon will stick because of the rule that opposites attract (positive to negative).

Heat Moves!
The second experiment we carried out was sorting bowls of different levels of heat into hot, warm and cold. The children sorted the bowls by testing the temperature of the water with their hands. After we tested the water we left the bowls for a few hours and then tested them again. All of the bowls were the same temperature! We observed that heat moves. Heat has moved into the room from the hot water making the water colder.

On Wednesday we carried out ‘How to dye flowers with osmosis’. Each table chose which colour they’d like to dye their flower and added their food colouring to a small jar of water, they then placed their flower inside and we waited. The next day we could see that the flowers were beginning to change the colour of the water. The children observed that the water goes up through the stem and to the flower. We have a fabulous bunch of coloured flowers now.

Lava Lamps
Finally to end science week we made our own lava lamps. When we added the oil to the water it separated. When we added the food colouring to the oil it slowly went down in bubbles until it hit the water. The food colouring changed the colour of the water. When we added the tablet into the jar it fizzed and caused bubbles.