As you heard at Assembly this morning, the Green Team will set a weekly challenge based on our current theme Global Citizenship and The Marine Environment.
We will begin by learning about Irish Sea Life. This week our theme is The Puffin. We would love it if every child could draw, paint or collage a puffin and to display this on a window in the front of your house. You could also take a photo of your puffin and send it into your class SeeSaw or class email and we can put a selection up on our school website. Green Schools Ireland have a puffin Fact Sheet to help you learn about puffins. Green Schools Ireland Puffin Fact Sheet
Birdwatch Ireland also have some great facts about puffins on their website: Puffin
When your friends are out for a walk they might spot your puffin!
Best of luck and we look forward to seeing your puffins at next Friday’s assembly!
Anne, Patricia and the Green Team