In 1946 two out of three Irish homes had no electricity. World War Two had ended and unemployment gripped the nation. The government launched the Rural Electrification Scheme.
Inspired by stories about rural electrification from the book “Then There Was Light” (PJ Cunningham/Dr.Joe Kearney) pupils from 6th class drafted their own stories about rural electrification. Using their imagination and working together, children produced a remarkable collection of personal, emotive and imaginative original stories. Supported with evidence from they produced a final draft of their story and presented it in their best handwriting. Please read our stories and get a sense of the significance of this event in Irish history and how it has inspired us in 6th class. Please visit our display outside 6th class to view our writing first hand. We also digitally created our stories and they are available to read on . and they are also below in pdf form. In recognition of all the hard work, we look forward to the visit of members of the ESB Archive team who will visit the students and discuss their wonderful writing.