On the 14th of March, 4th class and I went to the Botanic Gardens. We left at 9:00 am. My partners were

Emil and Ruairi. It took about 1 hour to get there on the bus.

When we arrived we were split into two different groups, one half went with Darren and

The other went with Anna. I was in Anna’s group. The first thing we did was go into a Viking

Hut. Our tour guide Karen told us about the Vikings using wood, plants and reeds to make

their huts.

Then we went into a room with cacti and succulent plants.

My favourite bit which was the next bit was Ireland’s only TROPICAL RAINFOREST!!!

It had loads of cool and interesting trees, plants and herbs.

After we went into a room with carnivorous plants like ones that eat insects and bugs

such as fly’s, tiny beetles and tiny insects.

Next we went to a place where we could plant our own marigolds. A guy called Leo

helped us.

Then we had our lunch in a café and an empty room.

We were there for about 2 hours. On the way back it took about 1 hour to get to school.

On the bus on the way back Emil and I fell asleep for about 10 minutes until Alfie woke

us up.

And that was 4th class’s trip to the Botanic Gardens. I hope you enjoyed reading about it!!!