Last Tuesday and Wednesday 5th class did a Biz World workshop. The point of Biz World is to teach kids around the ages of 10-12 about how running a business works. We got a teacher from Biz World called Aileen in to help us build our businesses. First we learned that we have to get a few ideas of what our business could be. We brainstormed with our tables (aka companies) and here are all of the businesses:

Chewy Supplies, Comfy Co, TekNo Watch, Dream Bottle and Frizball.  

We did some market research with 4thclass and we made fliers, business cards, posters and advertisements for our companies.  We presented our business ideas to the two dragons. They were Liz, Abbie’s mom and Jan a group teacher. The dragons were the people who could invest in our companies. We made a pitch (presentation) to them and if they liked our ideas they would give us money in exchange for a part of our company. 4th class also had an opportunity to invest in our companies.

It was an overall great experience and we would recommend it to any class from 4th up.



 Review by Neva and Abbie.