This year in 6th class we started knitting bunnies.
We did a lot of knitting with the help of Clodagh and we got loads done. It was a good experience to let everyone get to know how to knit.
To knit a bunny you start by knitting a square and then sewing it together with a darning needle. Everyone took part and had a cracking good time. It took a while for everybody to get a good bit done. Everyone enjoyed it and we spent the first two weeks knitting during Golden Time and DEAR time. Eventually we started changing colours in wool and used most spare time knitting. Some people brought their knitting home with them to knit there as well.
Some people have finished and most people are nearly done. Many of the boys have enjoyed it more than the girls. Clodagh said that would happen and she was right! No one has finished sewing their bunny yet, but we have good knitters who are very close.
By Jessica N & Hans.