Kilmainham Jail

5th Class went on a class trip last week, visiting Kilmainham Gaol to consolidate our learning about the 1916 Rising.  Our guide Sarah really helped to bring the sad past of the gaol to life.  Fifth Class asked many interesting and relevant questions.  We rounded off the day with a visit to the grounds of the Royal Hospital, Kilmainham.

Jenny an t-Asal

It has been a busy few weeks in Fifth Class.  The busy time leading up to the Science Fair was immediately followed by Seachtain na Gaeilge, which involved lots of activities including a Tráth na gCeist with Sixth Class, a Céilí Mór with Senior Infants and Comórtas na Dóirse.  The latter involved decorating our classroom doors to reflect Seachtain na Gaeilge and St. Patrick’s Day themes.  Due to the fantastic imaginations and artwork of Fifth Class we were joint winners of this year’s competition, sharing the spoils with Fourth Class.  Jenny an t-Asal featured prominently further to her recent visit to the Oscars.  Maith sibh Rang a Cúíg!

Blossom Art

Art is always a favourite in Fifth Class and recent work has been very influence by nature.  The class drew wonderful spring flowers from observation to mark the arrival of spring.  More recently, for Tree Week, we have been learning about the magical hawthorn tree.  Fifth Class created lovely art representing the beautiful May blossoms with paint and tissue paper.  Their work can presently be seen on the top corridor.