We were lucky enough to have a visit from Reem and RTE News2Day to film children from 3rd class talking about how they learn Irish.
News2Day recorded children speaking and listening using recordable listening devices. They also filmed them using the “Is Féidir Linn” programme from the Gaelbhratach website.
‘Is Féidir Linn’ aims to make the language accessible for all parents and guardians, regardless of their own Irish language skills or experience, using phrases, stories and songs for children about the daily routines of family life. Click on the attached link to find out more. Is Féidir Linn
Reem, the RTE presenter asked the children questions about why it is important to learn Irish and what they enjoy about learning Irish. It was a fantastic experience. See 3rd class on News2Day in the video below along with a gallery of pictures taken on the day.