Our Spring RETNS Family Quiz took place on Sunday 7th March. This time it ran without any hitches! Lots of our families took part with the leaderboard swapping out quite a few times.
Final winners were: 1st O’Neill family 5th class. 2nd Sweeneys 4th followed by 3rd McGraths 3rd and 5th.
Spot Prize winners were as follows:
Kennedys 1st
Fitzsimons Senior Infants
Butlers 3rd and 5th
Heddens 2nd and 5th
Wynnes 5th
Dowlings Senior Infants and 5th
Boyles Junior Infants
Brackens 1st
McGraths 3rd and 5th
Kiernans 2nd and 6th
Well done! We received some amazing prizes from some local businesses and we list links to their businesses in order for you to support them.
Locks Restaurant https://www.locksrestaurant. ie/
Bombay Pantry https://bombaypantry. com/
Green Mango https://www.greenmango. ie/?l=en
MicroPro Computers http://micropro.ie/
Meagher’s Pharmacy Churchtown https://www.meagherspharmacy. ie