First Class have had a busy time in their third and last term.
They did lots of fun art and some gardening, planting lettuce, pumpkins and strawberries.
Many of the children really enjoyed doing Tag Rugby with Jonathan.
In May the class also had two really fun dance sessions with Emily, a visiting dance artist.
They also made their own obstacle courses in P.E.
On May 30th everyone had a great day on the school’s Annual Walk to St. Enda’s Park.
To top it all they had a wonderful trip to Lullymore Heritage and Discovery Park on June 17. The sun shone, the animals were very cute, interesting history was explored in the old Irish cottage and replica crannog and our guide Maeve brought us on a beautiful walk through a dappled forest to see a fairy village! There was even a train ride! See Gallery of pictures below. All in all it has been a fun-filled term, with the Talent Show and Sports Day yet to come.