RETNS Raffle 2020
We are delighted to announce that the RETNS Raffle raised €3393 this year.
Thank you to all the parents/guardians and staff who donated prizes and bought tickets. We were overwhelmed with the response and were able to create three prizes for each class as well as three adult hampers. A special thank you to Maureen who made up all the hampers. Congratulations to all the prize winners!
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Have a wonderful holiday.
The Development Committee
Congratulations to all the RETNS Raffle winners .
Kids Raffle winners
Junior Infants: Tadhg, Zizi, Adam K
Senior Infants:Liam W, Leo, Maya
1st Class: Hugo, Lyra, Mya
2nd Class: Donnacha, Charlie, Freddie
3rd Class: Marvin, Eamonn, Tadhg
4th Class: Samuel G, Rose, Eden
5th Class: Josh, Lucy, Hope
6th Class: Max, Alex. Jack
Adult Raffle Winners
Arlene Beaney
Deirdre Kelly
Caroline O’Dowd