On Friday last (28 March) Third Class gave their imagination full reign as they engaged in construction art on the theme of transport – past, present and future! They used a wide variety of materials to make their designs. These included submarines, tanks, the Titanic, hot air balloons, houses on wheels, hot chocolate on wheels, hovering hoovers which double as cat transporters, batbuses (from a well-known video game), rocket ships and flying doughnuts. The children really enjoyed bringing their designs to life and coped well with any engineering challenges arising. Well done Third Class. You are a very creative and imaginative bunch!
There was also great excitement when Andy came to visit following his recent departure for pastures new in Kildare. It was great to have him back for a few hours to see his Write a Book on display and to catch up on the fun in Third Class. We miss him and wish him the very best of luck . Aileen