2025 Junior Infants Admission Form 2025 Junior Infants Admissions Form The RETNS admissions policy can be viewed or downloaded here: RETNS Admissions Policy . "*" indicates required fields Child's First Name* Child's Surname* Child's Date of Birth*Children must be at least four years of age on 1st September 2025 for admission in September 2025. Day Month Year Does child have siblings currently attending RETNS?* Yes No If yes, please list siblings and class in 2024 belowParent Name:*Parent Email Address*Information regarding admissions will be by email, please ensure that the address you give is correct. Enter Email Confirm Email Parent Mobile Number*Please give us your mobile telephone number in the format of 00353xxxxxxxxxx.Read the following and tick to accept:*I have read and understood the Admission Policy, including Section 16 on requesting a review of a decision to refuse admission and on appealing a decision to refuse admission. I have also read the RETNS Annual Admission Notice. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that I inform RETNS of any change in contact details in a timely fashion. It is advisable to keep a copy of the application form. I accept the above SubmitDate MM slash DD slash YYYY CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ