Plant life in the garden is dormant, but our feathered friends are busier than ever, and the recent cold spell means a shortage of food for our garden birds. Some children from 4th and 5th classes have been supplementing the birds’ natural diet with homemade fat balls. They enjoyed the process and learnt a lot, although they weren’t too fond of the cooking aroma of melting lard mixed with bird seed!

There is a real fascination in watching birds nesting, and who knows which of our students will be ornithologists in the future! To encourage the children’s interest in wildlife, as well as to promote biodiversity in the garden, some of 4th class are building a nesting box, with a camera inside. Hopefully some birds will take residence this spring, and the children can view the goings on from the computer screens!     See the kidsblog for information on how to make fat balls for birds.DSCI0005  DSCI0006 DSCI0009  DSCI0007