The Bird Box – New Arrivals

The Bird Box – New Arrivals

Dennis our caretaker put up the bird box in the tree for us. He put the bird box in the wildlife garden. 4th class made the bird box with a little help from Petrina. We took some videos of the birds.  Written by Alannah from 2nd class with a bit of help from Lee, an...

Learning Log By Hannah 5th Class

  All year 5th class have been working on our ‘Learning Logs!’ Our Learning Logs are where we can record everything we learn each week and we can present it in our Learning Logs whatever way we like! We did a new entry in our Learning Logs every Thursday. We...

Learning Log By Sorcha 5th Class

In school we made learning logs. Learning logs are copies and every week we put in a new entry. Our entries are about things we have learned how to do in school such as an art project we did in school and sometimes they are about things we do at home such as learning...

Oscar’s Learning Log

  The next three paragraphs are about my favourite learning logs. Since we have started our learning logs we have done a lot and I will be writing about my favourite three. My three favourite would have to be Just One, the Famine and the Sikhism project.  ...

Learning Log By Tara 5th Class

Learning logs are a copy we can write about what we lent in that week. We all design our own learning log. Every Thursday we put in a new entry. If you don’t know what to write about we always have discussions in class about what we have learnt.   THE SECRET LIFE...