The parents have come up with a brilliant idea which is that the kids can provide some entertainment for the comedy night which I’m sure you have heard about because of the posters and the tickets being sold when you come in. The ICT committee is assisting with...
Boulder Bounce ROBLOX

Boulder Bounce ROBLOX

Hello this is Phelim from 5th class and recently I made a small Roblox game that I highly recommend that you try out. The game is called Boulder Bounce and the objective of the game is to run around avoiding boulders that are falling from the sky. If a Boulder hits...

Laoise and Sarah in 3rd Class present Third Class Magazine

3rd Class Magazine Issue description: Edited by Laoise Dennehy and Sarah Cuffe, 3rd Class students in RETNS. Articles and illustrations by 3rd Class. Magazine description: Laoise and Sarah edited a magazine filled with content from their classmates in RETNS. Enjoy the...

Quadblogging – What we think!

6th Class and the ICT Committee provide a comprehensive snapshot of their views on their recent experience blogging with other schools. Here is a padlet of how the experience was for them!

The spring drawing competition winners!

Hello, The ICT Committee here. We are announcing the winners of our latest contest. THE SPRING DRAWING COMPETITION!!!! (woo yay) We examined all of your lovely creations and we have come to a decision. Although it pains us to choose a few drawings over all of the...