



We have been doing something called a Learning-Log over the last year. It is where you get a copy and write and draw about what you have learnt. Now I will tell you about my three favourite topics.


Felt Monsters:


We made felt monsters in art class and they were all really cool and different! Everyone was given some felt and we had to come up with the coolest (or craziest) monster to make. It took quite long but in the end they were finished and were slightly scary.




We did athletics for P.E and it taught me a lot. The person who did it with us was called David and he was really nice. We learnt a lot of things like hurdles, speed walking, sprinting and lots more. I especially liked the speed walking!


Nature Diaries:


We also made nature diaries this year and the whole school took part! All the diaries were packed with all sorts of nature. My dad is a Botanist so I had a lot of plants in mine.

