
MY LEARNING LOG By Calum O’Riordan

My learning log is a copy, and every Thursday of the week we write about something we did during the week, so if we did maths we could write about maths, if we did art we could write about art.  In this I will be writing about my top three learning log entries.

My Dream House


One of my top three entries is my Dream House. Where you had to draw your Dream House and at the end you had to write out a list of materials that you hypothetically would have used.  It was great fun designing my house and hopefully (fingers crossed) someday I might have that house.



My second entry is Art


We were given a project by Jim Cathcart to paint life-sized portraits of ourselves doing our dream job in the year 2030. We were able to invent different objects, the job might have in the year 2030.





My last entry is the Wind Instrument


One week in school we had to design a wind instrument and list the materials everything was made out of and then make it.  I invented the pentatube which is four metal tubes taped together and you blow down the different length tubes to make different sounds.


These are my favourite entries and I hope they sound fun because they were.