Learning Log By Niamh 5th Class

  MY LEARNING LOG This year, every Thursday, we had to write about something that we learned and enjoyed over the week in our Learning Log. We can add pictures from the Internet, draw our own pictures and make pop-ups. I really like doing our learning logs and I...

Learning Log By Sam 5th Class

Learning logs   Learning logs are copies that we put information in that we would like to share with others mainly pieces we liked doing.    DREAM HOUSE Dream houses: we drew dream houses in our learning logs and labelled what everything was, mine was a...

Learning Log By Sara

  My   Learning   Log   In school we all made learning logs. In my learning log I have a lot of pages. I picked 3 of my favourite pages. I picked my bonfire page, my choir page and my W5 page.   My Bonfire Page   On my bonfire page I wrote about...

Learning Log By Michael 5th

My three favourite pages in my learning log are:   We went to W5 we have great fun there.   My second favourite thing is when I went to Kerry on the Easter break and I played with lots of friends who lived in a farm.   My last favourite thing is when I...

Learning Log by Maryam 5th

  My learning log is a copybook where I write about my favorite activities done over the year.   My favorite topics were: – W5 – Seachtana Gaeilge – Poetry   W5- I chose to write about W5 because it was the BEST school trip I have ever...