Here is selection of 4th class’s review of Dublinina. 🙂


On the 11th of February 2014 our class went to Dublinia in town. When we got there we had to wait outside a while but eventually we went in. First of all there were two men, one of them introduced them both. Their names were Ross and Ivan. Then we went into the Viking section. Ross asked us a few questions about the Vikings to test our knowledge about them. Then we looked at a few models and went into a replica of a Viking house. Then we went into the Medieval section (Ivan swapped with Ross in telling us stuff). Ivan showed us a few things and this creepy thing called the Black Death. Then after a couple more things it was time to go. We said bye and then we went back to school.



On the 11 of February 4th class went to Dublinia.  We went around the back of Christchurch, and there was a modern glass building. Inside there was a Viking long-boat, beside that was where we met our tour guides, Ross and Ivan.  Ross took us into the Viking period, where we saw kings of the past and learned that it would take 7 days to get from Norway to Ireland rowing 24 hours a day. Two men would have to sit on a chest with all of their belongings.  We also learned about the rules of Dublin and the fairs and barbers.  People didn’t just go to the barbers to get their hair cut they also went for surgery.  We learned about the black-death. We saw a model of Dublin when the Normans moved in and we learned about the period when the English invaded Ireland.  At the end we got to do experience an Archaeologists lab.

By Leo Faulkner 4th Class

by Gabrielle Pichot
On Tuesday the 12th of February (2014) 4th class went to Dublinia. Our guides were Evan and Ross.  Ross taught us things about the Vikings. When a Viking king died, he was put in a long boat with all of his things.  Sometimes slaves would be put in the boat with the king.  Then they would burn the boat with the king and all of his things.  There were two ways they would burn the king after he was dead.  One, they would stack stones on top of each other. Two, they would put the boat out at sea and shoot flaming arrows at the boat.
Our other guide, Evan, taught us about the Normans.  If a Norman let their fire get out of control they would be put into their fire. Wealthier Normans wore brighter coloured clothes and pointier shoes were wealthier.  If they had a cat, they were used to mice.
Then we went outside to have lunch, after that we got on the bus and went back to school.