Around the school in pictures

  From silhouettes to wrapping art, friendship themes to Vikings, here are some images from around the school this term. The slideshow will open in a few moments.

School Development

RETNS is a well-established school and thanks to a lot of hard work over the years, it is also a very well-resourced school. However, there is always room for development and the Board of Management and staff are continuing to ensure that the school meets the needs of...

In RETNS- We Are Writers!

This week we have been busy uploading the children’s stories for the ‘We Are Writers’ project. Children were asked to keep their stories to a maximum of 300 words.  For some children this was a challenge, and it turned out to be quite a skill in itself. As with any...

ICT Tips

  Technology has presented a wealth of new opportunities for children and there is no doubt that technology is playing an increasingly important role in children’s lives today. An ever-growing number of children now have, or have access to, mobile devices of one...


One day a few weeks ago I slipped into the Senior Infant classroom where SI and 5th class were just finished their buddy reading. Not one child heard or saw me come in. How is that possible, you may ask? It is possible because every child in the room had their eyes...

Winterfest – Behind the Scenes

At my first staff meeting as Principal of RETNS came the annual question –“ What will we do for Winterfest this year?” “Maybe it’s time for another whole school performance,” said one voice. “Yes, why don’t we do that,” said another. “Are you sure?” I cautioned, being...