Nov 6, 2014
Over the next six weeks we will be delivering a Development Education programme to all classes. This programme has been developed for and piloted in Educate Together schools by ChildFund Ireland, funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs through Irish Aid. One of...
Oct 2, 2014
Maths Week 2014 takes place from October 11th-19th. Maths week is celebrated all over Ireland, with over 200,000 participants last year. Already this year almost 50,000 participants have signed up on to take part in special maths activities and join...
Sep 18, 2014
Learn Together You may have heard your children talking about EEP and wondered what it was. Or maybe it was confused in children’s minds with SPHE or SESE. To clarify, EEP is our school’s Ethical Education Programme, a programme which is common to all Educate Together...
Sep 8, 2014
This week, September 8th-12th, is Positive Behaviour Week in RETNS. Our school behaviour policy states that in RETNS we believe that in order to create and maintain a happy, safe and effective learning environment for all, there must be high standards of student...
Jul 8, 2014
“Creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status.” — Ken Robinson
Jun 5, 2014
During the early part of my teaching career I taught in a small rural school in Co.Fermanagh. When we went from a four to a five teacher school I became the proud inhabitant of a brand new pre-fab classroom. It was state-of-the-art at the time but there was one major...
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