Peace Proms 2015

This year for the first time RETNS took part in the Cross Border Peace Proms. Our fourth class students joined other choirs, a full orchestra, soloists and dancers in what was a wonderful evening of entertainment. The Peace Proms is a programme of the Cross Border...

RETNS Keeping Fit!

In RETNS we recognise the value of physical exercise for children and as a school we strive to promote physical education and to be an active school community. All of our teachers adhere to DES guidelines regarding PE timetable provision for all students and teach a...

Winterfest Theme-Diversity

In September 2015 Rathfarnham Educate Together NS will be 25 years old. Started in Crumlin in 1990, under the name South City School Project, the school was set up under what was then a relatively new model of school provision in Ireland, the Educate Together model....

The Voice of the Child

‘The Voice of the Child’ is a term that is frequently used in educational terms today. Long gone are the days when children were to be “seen and not heard”. Today it is widely recognised that children and young people have a voice and that this voice has to be...

RETNS Student Committees 2014-2015

Student Council 6th class John MacAvin (Chairperson) Rebecca McConnell Daire Begley Maedbh Duff-Hogan (Junior Infant and Senior Infant rep) Alex Cunningham (1st and 2nd class rep)   5th class Sorcha Collins O’Regan Holly Bond Oscar Loftus   4th class Billy...

Internet Safety Workshops

e-Safety It is almost inconceivable to children today that there was once a world without internet and mobile technology. Today this technology is all around us and is even used by very young children. While we may have begun to take children’s access to the internet...