Homework – A valuable exercise or a necessary evil?

  Homework represents a regular link between home and school and as such represents a good opportunity for the development of a practical partnership between parents and teachers. (National Parents’ Council) The negative effects of homework are well known.  They...

Positive Behaviour Week 2015

September 7th-11th is Positive Behaviour Week in RETNS. Due to their very nature, primary school classrooms tend to reflect all the diversity of cultures, identities, backgrounds and families that make up Ireland today. In celebrating that diversity we in RETNS hope...

Educate Together Facts and Figures.

The following are some up-to-date facts and figures regarding Educate Together. Since the Dalkey School Project first opened in 1978, our network has grown to 77 schools nationwide. These include 74 primary-level schools, and our first 3 second-level schools which...

Wildlife Garden

This poem was written by Eve Leslie (4th class) to celebrate the launch of our newly re-furbished wildlife garden. It is illustrated by some photographs of the beautiful new space which children have been enjoying  for all types of lessons, at lunchtime and for...

Developing our school

Developing our school   The Educate Together network of schools is going from strength to strength as more and more schools are opened each year throughout the country. This gives parents in Ireland real choice in the type of education they wish for their...

CBI Children’s Book of the Year 2015

Just after the spring break, a group of children from 4th and 5th class put on their critics hats and took part in the CBI Book Awards shadowing scheme.  This annual scheme encourages children to read and evaluate the shortlisted books with a view to voting for the...