Breaktime Buddies
Breaktime Buddies are selected from volunteers in 5th and 6th classes. For half the year, one class helps organise the lines from Junior Infants to 1st class while the other class facilitates play in the junior yard. The classes then swap for the second half of the year.
In 2019 – 2020, 5th class do the lines until the February midterm and 6th class facilitate play. The class helping with the lines will also bring in and out the toy boxes at lunchtime.
Breaktime in the Junior Yard – Some Guidelines for Breaktime Buddies
- The focus is on including all children and facilitating play among the younger children. Young children should be encouraged to be as independent as possible.
- Buddies invite all children to join in games, especially those who might be reluctant to join in.
- Buddies organise yard games such as ‘Beans’ (in a quiet part of the yard) and ‘Hopscotch’. Buddies could choose a ‘game of the week’ which they share with younger classes on a Monday or at assembly.
- It is preferable that buddies do not stay in the Quiet House but encourage younger children to be active during break time.
- Buddies are encouraged to check in with the SNAs on duty for suggestions on games and on children who might need some encouragement to play.
- Buddies are encouraged to help younger children resolve quarrels using restorative questions but help from an adult is always available.
The Breaktime Buddy rota is shared with Maeve and class teachers in Junior Infants – 1st.
A copy of the rota is also be put in the yard book with a copy of the Restorative Questions.

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