On Friday, April 28th, we were delighted to welcome to our school Marian Harkin, one of our Irish MEPs. Marian told the children she was honoured to have been invited and she was very impressed with the work they were doing. Ciara Corcoran, chair of the Student Council, welcomed Marian to our school, then to begin her visit Marian was treated to a beautiful performance of ‘May We Never Have to Say Goodbye’ from our choir.
A number of representatives from each class gave details of what they have been learning in the Blue Star programme, culminating in a spirited rap performance from sixth class detailing the achievements of many famous Europeans they have been learning about.
Marian spoke to the children about aspects of her work as an MEP and agreed to visit each class to take questions. Assembly concluded with all the children singing the European Anthem, ‘Ode to Joy’.
During the afternoon Marian made a visit to each class, taking questions from the children, which ranged from her favourite aspect of her work to her views on the effects of Brexit and whether she thinks there should be more women in Irish politics!
Two representatives from the Blue Star programme also attended assembly on Friday and had a tour of the school to look at the children’s work. We are now looking forward to the culmination of our year’s work, our Europe Day celebration on May 9th.

Marian Harkin, MEP, and representatives from the Blue Star programme, Ryan and Isolde, listen intently to the choir performance.
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