
Frásaí Gaeilge agus Seachtain na Gaeilge    Baintear úsáid as frásaí gaeilge i rith an lae sa seomra ranga agus sa chlós. Cuirfear béim faoi leith ar na frásaí seo i rith seachtain  na gaeilge  trí gniomhachtaí éagsúla cosúil leis an siopa agus an céílí. Seo...

Around the school in pictures

  From silhouettes to wrapping art, friendship themes to Vikings, here are some images from around the school this term. The slideshow will open in a few moments.

School Development

RETNS is a well-established school and thanks to a lot of hard work over the years, it is also a very well-resourced school. However, there is always room for development and the Board of Management and staff are continuing to ensure that the school meets the needs of...