IMG_3073Parental involvement is key in the way the school operates and has a great impact and long-lasting effect on the school and on the children.  We want to ensure that every opportunity is given to parents and guardians to be involved.  There is an active Parents’ Association (PA) in RETNS, giving valuable assistance and support to the school. All parents and guardians are automatically members of the PA and are welcome and encouraged to become involved in the PA Committee. The PA Committee represents all of the parents in the school.  The aims of the PA are to represent the views of parents, to inform parents of developments in education and in the school, and to foster co-operation between parents, teachers and school management.

‘Your Children Your School Your Time’, provides a way for every family to volunteer for something in the school within the year. A list of all possible areas for volunteering is outlined on the ‘Your Children Your School Your Time’ form (Your Children, Your School, Your Time Form Sept 14) and you are asked to select one which is of interest or where you feel you can contribute, or which suits your available time. More information is available here.

To find out who is involved in the PA and what our aims are click on the following links:

RETNS PA 2014-15 by class

PA Aims

PA Information 2014

Guidelines for Class Reps 2014

PA Committee Notes

PA Committee Notes February 15

PA Committee Notes January 15

PA Committee Notes December 14

PA Committee Notes November 14

PA Committee Notes October 14

PA Committee Notes September 14